黑狐影院为您提供邪恶花园在线观看,以及《邪恶花园》幕后花絮、海报等信息,主演是:杰克·帕兰斯,布吉斯·梅迪斯,贝弗莉·亚当斯 ,《邪恶花园》上映时间是,是一部由弗雷迪·弗朗西斯导演指导的电影。
《邪恶花园》剧情介绍:A special sideshow torture exhibit has the power, according to showman Dr. Diablo, to warn people of evil in their futures. As skeptical customers are shown the greed and violence they're hiding, one of them snaps and kills Diablo. When they run off, we see the murder to be staged as part of the sho